Why submodule

Simplify Service Lifecycle Management in Node.js with Submodule

Effortlessly manage the lifecycle of your services in Node.js with Submodule, a lightweight and versatile library designed to streamline service management. Say goodbye to complex dependency handling, configuration management, and testing challenges.

Clear Structure, Easy Management

  • Organize services with ease: Wrap your service creation functions and chain them together for a clear and organized structure.
  • Simplify complex dependencies: Manage and understand intricate dependencies between services more effectively.
  • Seamlessly integrate with your framework: Bring Submodule into your existing frameworks and utilize its power wherever you have an async function.
  • Serverless: Initialize what function needs, not what framework wants

Streamlined Testing

  • Flexible testing environment: Easily change dependencies for testing purposes, promoting testability and isolation.
  • Testable code chunks: Organize your code into smaller, testable units, facilitating robust testing.
  • Controlled lifecycle management: Implement unit tests and integration tests with ease by controlling the lifecycle of services.

Lightweight and Simple

  • No unnecessary abstractions: Built in Typescript with zero dependencies, Submodule embraces the fundamental concept of functions without complex magic.
  • Quick to understand and adopt: Experience the simplicity and elegance of Submodule, even for developers new to the library.

Discover a painless way to manage the lifecycle of your services in Node.js with Submodule. Enhance your development workflow, improve code maintainability, and simplify testing processes.